Friday, November 29, 2019

Really Stupid Joke

A woman goes into the local pet shop and asks the owner for a pet that can do everything.
The owner thinks about it and says "How about a dog?" The woman replies "No, I had a dog before. He was great but all he did was eat, sleep, and play fetch. I want a pet that can do everything!"
The owner thinks for a long time and then says "I've got it! What you want is a millipede!" The woman looks at the owner and says "A millipede? I can't imagine a millipede doing everything. But okay… I'll try it".
 When the woman gets the millipede home, she says to him "Please clean the kitchen". Thirty minutes later, she walks into the kitchen and it's spotless. She's absolutely amazed.
Wanting to see what else he can do, the woman says to the millipede "Please clean the living room". Twenty-five minutes later, she walks into the living room, and again everything's perfect. The woman is once again impressed.
The woman thinks to herself "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. This pet really can do everything". Wanting him to do more, she says to the millipede "Run down to the corner store and get me a newspaper, please". The millipede walks out of the living room.
Ten minutes go by and no millipede.
After thirty minutes the woman is starting to wonder what's going on. It should have taken the millipede only a couple of minutes.
Deciding to look for him, the woman goes to leave out the front door. She opens the door and the millipede is just sitting on the front steps. The woman becomes furious.
She says "Hey! Where have you been all this time? I asked you 30 minutes ago to go to the corner store and get me a newspaper. Then I come to find you and you're sitting down on the job. What's going on?"
The millipede replies " I'm going! I'm going! Gimme a chance to get my fucking shoes on!"